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Your legal rights during traffic stops

On Behalf of | Feb 29, 2024 | Criminal Defense

What should you do if the police pull you over while you’re driving? That’s a question that many people have. First, it’s important to pull out identification, such as your driver’s license, registration and insurance card and give it to the police when requested. The police will use this to verify that this information is valid.

At any time during a traffic stop, it can help to remember your legal rights and use them if necessary. Your legal rights can help you avoid severe criminal charges. Here’s what you should know:

Your right to record the police

Under the First Amendment, you have the right to record the police. This may be necessary if the police use excessive force or abuse their power. Your recording could be used in court as a defense tactic. However, your rights are limited if recording interferes with the police’s duties.

Your right against unreasonable searches

Under the Fourth Amendment, the police can not perform unreasonable searches. This means that the police would need a warrant before they search you or your vehicle. 

Your right to not answer questions

Under the Fifth Amendment, you have the right to remain silent. Answering the police can cause you to make self-incriminating comments that link you to crimes even if you didn’t do anything. You can plead the Fifth, which gives you the right to not answer any of the police’s questions. 

Your rights may be violated during a traffic stop. You may need to reach out for legal help to learn what you can do next.