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4 drunk driving myths

On Behalf of | Jan 18, 2024 | Criminal Defense

In today’s day and age, nearly anything can be found online. However, that doesn’t mean that everything that’s read online is true. As a result, many people learn about things that lead them to legal trouble.

Some misinformation online can cause people to face drunk driving charges. Here are a few common myths about drunk driving that you should avoid:

Myth 1: Coffee can make you sober

Truth: Coffee has many beneficial effects; it can make you feel more alert, which can help during long work shifts. Coffee doesn’t, however, have the power to make people sober, but this is a common misunderstanding. The alert feeling people get from coffee after drinking alcohol is a temporary effect that doesn’t mean it is safe for people to drive.

Myth 2: You must answer questions from the police

Truth: If a driver is pulled over by the police because they are suspected of drunk driving, the police may ask the driver questions. These questions are often intended to collect evidence against a driver and cause them to admit to drinking. However, drivers don’t need to answer questions. Instead, they may plead the Fifth, which protects them from self-incriminating comments.  

Myth 3: Drunk driving is fine if you drive slowly

Truth: Driving slowly doesn’t protect people from drunk driving charges. If a driver is a victim in an auto accident, the police may discover that they are drunk. As a result, the driver could face criminal charges even if they are a victim of a crash.

Myth 4: Urine tests are the most accurate sobriety test

Truth: There are three chemical tests that the police may use to evaluate a driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC). Blood tests are often the most accurate; urine tests are often the least accurate. Many drivers take breath tests because they are the most convenient.

If you’re facing DUI charges, it’s imperative that you seek as much accurate legal information as possible.